
Currency converter added

To improve clarity for (most) international customers, I've added an automatic currency converter to the site. The values are still charged in JPY so there may be some discrepancies with conversion depending on your payment provider. But it should give you a better idea of prices. The supported currencies are: JPY, USD, EUR, GBP and CAD. Please contact me if you experience any issues.

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MG 00 XN Raiser Reissue

Premium Bandai Japan are reissuing the MG 00 XN Raiser. First wave is shipping in May. Pre-orders are available here.

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December 2019 Shipping Schedule

Premium Bandai delivery is scheduled to arrive on the 20th this month. I'll begin processing orders from the following Monday until the end of the month.

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Commence Primary Ignition

So I have the online store up and running. I'm still in the process of populating all the items from eBay. This will take time due to the size of my range but I'm getting there. All the upcoming pre-orders should be here at least. If there's anything I have listed on eBay but not here, you're welcome to ask and I'll make a product page.

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